Hey there! I'm Soham Faldu

profile of soham

Who I am?

Software Developer with expertise in Flutter app development. Well-versed in many programming languages with the added knowledge of Machine Learning. A beginner in Crypto technologies and a quantum computing enthusiast.

I am really active and always open for new projects!

What I do?

Full Stack Development

Building responsive website front end with Vanilla JavaScript, creating mobile applications with Flutter and Dart, and developing application backend with Node and Express.

Cloud Infra-Architecture

Hosting and maintaining websites on virtual machines, integrating databases, deploying deep learning models on the cloud, and setting up data streaming jobs on AWS.

Data Science & AI

Creating production-ready deep learning models for various applications, including image processing, NLP, and remote sensing data prediction. Strong knowledge of scalable model development and deep learning techniques.


Mobile Application for Chotadhobi Laundry Solutions

The program will automate the laundry process for VIT Vellore students. It will be used by around 20,000 students on campus.

IRIS - Windows Voice Assistant

IRIS is a virtual assistant for Windows that uses AI and speech recognition to assist with basic tasks, online browsing, and text-to-speech. It can also be used for voice typing and is helpful for both non-technical and tech-savvy users.

Tassie - Social Media App

Development of a social media platform using Flutter and Node.js API which connected the app to the database. For the database and images, MongoDB, and AWS were used respectively.

Chakravyuh - IDAM

Chakravyuh is an organizational role-based access control system that allows admins to distribute credentials efficiently and maintain access logs. It also includes data protection, access control policies, teamwork and communication, and cryptography.

Labory - Clinical Laboratory Assistant

It is a user-friendly software for managing clinical laboratory tasks using NODEJS and ELECTRONJS. It stores data in a NoSQL database and allows users to auto-generate and print PDF reports.

Ecolyf (Cycle renting ecosystem) - Flutter app, website, APIt

Automatic QR-based cycle renting system. NodeJS was used for API which was integrated with the express web app and Flutter app.

Scanese - CT Intensity Segmentation of Lungs

This web app will take .nii files as input and detect the infected area, generating a report of the percent damage done to the lungs due to COVID-19. It will automate the process with high accuracy using Image Processing.

Unware - Android Malware Detection

Web app in python using Machine Learning to detect malicious APKs through static analysis and prediction.

Cryptocurrency & ICO

It involved the development of a cryptocurrency using Solidity and an ICO website connected with the Smart contract. Ganache was used for the blockchain.

Reach Out to me!

Do you want to discuss a project or just say hi? My inbox is open for all inquiries.